John Suhr
The Pittsburgh Santa Claus that you've known for all these years!

KDKA's Talk Pittsburgh, an honored guest of Heather Abraham:

WPXI's Holiday Parade Grande Finale since 2007:

KDKA's Pittsburgh Today Live, seasonal guest since 2011:

WPXI TV Commercial for Parade:

Involved in Downtown Pittsburgh's "Light Up Night" since 2011:

Santa Learning How To Make Mancini's Bread:

Test Commercial for Schulz Ford:

Having Fun During A Recording Studio Session:

Santa Claus Raps - and Nails it!
National Ad Campaigns:

Rite Aid:

Golf Galaxy:

Vinia Commercial on TBN:

Nationally Recognized Artist, Linda Barnicott's "Jolly Ol' Elf" Series:

Click Image for Website:

As a Pittsburgh based Santa, I first started professionally when Kaufmann's became Macy's in 2007. Many of you who I saw as kids are now bringing your own kids to see me! By now, my picture must have been taken over a million times.
I've done nearly every major public event that Pittsburgh has as Santa Claus, and many private and corporate functions. I enjoy appearing at Heinz History Center, Santa's House, The Block at Northway and an occasional Chick-fil-A.
I post my public appearances on my Instagram site, and I enjoy seeing so many of you! If you're looking to
book me, try my Contact page. I still might have some openings. If you need a Voice Actor, check my Voiceover page.
In 2022, I was inducted, by my peers, into the International Santa Claus Hall of Fame, the only Pittsburgh Santa to do so.
I thank God for giving me the ability to make children smile and believe in the magic of Christmas; and maybe some adults, too...
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these..." -Matthew 19:14